Blessed are those who, when there is nowhere left to go, turn inward; for they shall find the Center of all.
Your love sustains
Blessed are those who dwell in silence, for there they dwell in God.
Your love sustains
Blessed are those who surrender, for they shall feel strength beyond themselves.
Your love sustains
Blessed are those that turn to wonder, for their amazement never ends.
Your love sustains
Blessed are those who Welcome, for they live beyond the dizzying wheel of pain and pleasure.
Your love sustains
Blessed are those who live in the Now, for Now is salvation.
Your love sustains
Blessed are those who know that all is forgiven, for they shall live beyond fear, resentment and pretension.
Your love sustains
Blessed are those who see things as they are, rather than seeing them as they are, for they shall be enlightened.
Your love sustains
Blessed are those who develop Essence, who find their identity in God, for they shall be divine.
Your love sustains
Bryan Vosseler, Salem, MA