“Commit your life to the Lord,
Trust in Him and He will act,
So that your justice breaks forth like the light
Your cause like the noon day sun”
– Psalm 37 1-4
Open your mouth O little wild bird, captivating wildflower,
for your most delightful fare
Are you willing to taste the WHOLE?
Willing to bear the stark nakedness,
darkness and silence of dormancy
and rest in the presence of Your sleeping Beloved passively against your deep surface,
be pillow for His Head?
If yes,
Then, lift your chin little bird
Reach forth your petals little flower,
amid your chill and hunger
to remain in silent longing
As one and the same
be nourished and satisfied
as part of the WHOLE delightful fare
Dedicated to Maureen in her last days longing for the Whole…
Bridget Robinson
Beacon, N. Y.