What would you do
If you were given
But just one more day to live?
“I’d spend it with a loved one”
“I’d conquer every fear”
“I’d grab life by the horns,
And do all that I hold dear”
But what if I then asked…
What would you do
If you were given
But just one more month to live?
“I’d quit my job at once,
And play with every toy”
“I’d live that one month well,
And plan impending death with joy”
But what if I then asked…
What would you do
If you were given
But just one more year to live?
“I’d travel ’round the world,
And read my favorite book”
“I’d right all of my wrongs,
And give life a closer look”
But what if I then asked…
What would you do
If you were given
But just 80 years to live?
Who would,
Stand up and say
“I’d let it waste away‚Äù
Laura Richards
San Dimas, California