LIFE is Liturgy Unceasing!
Every Word an utterance of the Divine.
ASCETICISM is Life lived in
the Absolute Poverty of the Now;
Empty of past and future,
Empty of reflections and memories,
Empty of expectations or desires for rewards,
Empty of imaginings and visions,
Empty of spiritual possessions
Empty of satisfactions and distractions,
Empty even of a way of one’s own or a plan
For Only In the Emptiness of this NOW
Is the Fullness of the All to be found.
To be anywhere else is to be no-where’
Lost in the daydream of Illusion.
Thoughts still arise, Ideas still pretend importance.
What is one to do?
Hold only to the Loveliness Beyond!
Listen to that Silence as to a Symphony;
Simply watching, Simply waiting, Simply aware,
Being, in Love!
By Theresa Clark
Bronx, NY