Two new Governing Board members will begin their three-year terms of service in January of 2021. They are Phil Jackson of the Chicago Chapter and Carol Quest of the Minnesota Chapter. They were selected from a group of candidates nominated by members of the Contemplative Outreach Service teams. All of those nominated were well qualified and were invited to submit a written application if they were interested in serving. Applicants were then interviewed on Zoom by the current Board members. Carol and Phil were the two chosen to replace departing Board members Nick Cole and Adal Henriquez.
Both Phil and Carol are members of the Chapter Support Service team. Here are their pictures with further information about them.
Carol is a retired high school teacher living in St. Paul, MN who began practicing Centering Prayer in 1993. She is a Centering Prayer group facilitator and a commissioned presenter of the Centering Prayer Introductory Program. As past Co-coordinator of the Minnesota Contemplative Outreach chapter, she continues as a member of the chapter coordinating team. She volunteers with a team offering Centering Prayer at a Minnesota state prison. Nationally, she has served on the Centering Prayer Introductory Program Service Team and currently is a member of the Chapter Support Service Team. In 2019 she was part or the Contemplative Outreach International Conference Planning Team.
Phil Jackson is a Commissioned Presenter of Centering Prayer and former Coordinator for Contemplative Outreach of Chicago. He has attended Thomas Keating’s two Advanced Studies, 16 and 10 days in an invitation-only monastic setting, spending other weeks in Snowmass as well. He is also a member of Richard Rohr’s Men as Learners and Elders (MALEs), a Spiritual Director and graduate of Catholic Theological Union. Phil is a father of four. His hobbies include backpacking and he has spent weeks in the wilderness.