A Lectio Divina Immersion Retreat Experience
From a virtual retreat led August 7-8, 2020
By the Lectio Divina Service Team
A Lectio Divina Immersion Retreat was conducted August 7-8th on Zoom by the Lectio Divina Service Team. As many as 178 people participated from 12 different countries around the world. Twenty-nine new presenters are in the process of being trained and are seeking opportunities to present. Below is a reflection from one participant that highlights some of the benefits from a Lectio Divina retreat or workshop. If your group is interested in hosting a retreat or workshop, whether online or in person, please contact Mike Potter at r.mike.potter@gmail.com for more information.
“In the morning hours, I awoke to join with 159 other folks, not only the United States, but from around the world. The countries of Ireland, Iceland, Canada, Denmark and Paris, France as well as others, to share in Centering Prayer. Words escape me but it was a very special experience.
Special kudos to the Lectio Divina team for a seamless zoom presentation. I can only image the amount of time and effort that went into planning, scheduling and organization of the entire event that went so smoothly. The schedule for the Retreat was divided into four conferences with breaks in between. Each conference covered the different stages of Lectio with an opportunity to experience the stages in part and eventually in Lectio’s entirely. The schedule also allowed for small group sharing as well with the larger group.
On a personal note: it was interesting to review the distinction and interplay between Lectio and Centering Prayer; growth in Relationship with another person and with Christ; and the interplay and balance between informational reading and formational reading. For instance, when we get a new piece of equipment, in reading the set-up instructions, we seek to cover as much as possible as quickly as possible to get to the information that will allow us to master the item, and bring a problem-solving mentality to the instructions. When practicing formational reading, we read in depth and allow the passage to open us to layers of meaning with a humble, receptive, but yet detached approach.In addition, what was new and very interesting for me was Lectio Divina on Life, not only learning about it but having an opportunity to experience it. Lectio Divina on Life is applying your personal history as a method of prayerful reflection to a life/work incident instead of scripture.
I was tired at the end of the Retreat’s long day but filled with the richness of praying the scriptures and praying with others from around the world.”
Rosemary Benya