Each day, Oh Lord,
May I offer
less to You;
Each day to be diminished,
Until I am so decreased
by Your Hand and your love
so grown in me
That I become total
for You to fill
or not
According to Your Love.
Sr. Helen Michael Horne, O.P.
Springfield, IL
[A pioneer of the Centering Prayer movement, Sr. Helen Michael studied with Fr. Thomas Keating in the mid-1980’s in Snowmass, CO. Among some of her books is a small binder that includes the outline of the training for the Spiritual Journey presentation, dated 1987. She went on from there to teach Centering Prayer in the Springfield, IL area and had a large prayer group until she suffered a stroke in the mid-1990’s.
Two years ago, she agreed to start another prayer group at the Dominican Motherhouse in Springfield. While her health prevents her from leading the group, she is a wonderful spiritual leader still and an excellent historian of her experiences.]