40th Anniversary Conference FAQs

This page is designed to answer the kind of questions that you might have about your participation in the Contemplative Outreach (COL) 40th Anniversary Conference.


Can I park at Emory Conference Center Hotel?

Yes paid parking at the hotel is an option. For those parking on Saturday only please follow the instructions detailed here to access parking voucher instructions.

I paid the registration fee but was not directed to the hotel reservation page

This happened because you were not logged into the website as directed; it is only possible to purchase an item from our store when you are logged in. Please register here for the conference hotel.  If you need assistance to complete the process, please email matt@coutreach.org.

What is the conference schedule?

The schedule is being finalized and will be released shortly. Here is an overview of the people who will contribute to and present at the Anniversary Conference. The entire event now takes place at Emory Conference Center Hotel.

What will be happening at this conference?

The final schedule is being worked on by the Conference Planning Team but the following contributors are confirmed: Fr Bill Sheehan, Maru L De Guevara, Mary Dwyer and Fr Charlie Albanese. There will be both in-person and online participation from contributors.

There will be panels featuring: Extensión Contemplativa Internacional (Extensão Contemplativa Internacional) “Circle of Service”; Contemplative Outreach, Ltd Board Members “New Development and Growth in Contemplative Outreach” and the Prison Outreach Service Team “Experiencing Freedom Within the Walls”.

The following presenters are also confirmed: Fr Matt F and Howard B ~ The 11th Step; Rory McIntee, Stuart Higginbotham and Rafael Dickson ~ Thomas Keating’s Young Contemplatives; Netanel Miles-Yépez and Rory McIntee ~ Charis Circles; Netanel Miles-Yépez ~ The Snowmass Conferences; Colleen Thomas and Keith Kristich ~ Widdening the Circle and also Wendy Maree ~ Thoughts on Forty.

When does the Conference begin and end?

The events begins with an evening meal followed by an opening session on Thursday 26th September 2024 and will end at late morning after breakfast with a closing session on Sunday 29th September 2024. The venue for the event is Emory Conference Center Hotel located at 1615 Clifton Rd N E, Atlanta, GA 30329

Is the Saturday Day Event included in conference registration?

Yes, when you register for the full conference this also includes registration and lunch for the Saturday Day Event at the conference venue. Originally we had planned for the Saturday Day Event to happen at Candler School of Theology, Emory University but circumstances beyond our control mean that the Saturday schedule will now also take place at Emory Conference Center Hotel.

Can I still register for the Saturday Day Event?

Registration is closed.

I’ve paid to attend the conference but I am no longer able to attend, can I get a refund?

Refunds are nolonger available.

What transportation is provided by Contemplative Outreach?

There are no shuttle arrangements provided as part of the conference fee from either the airport to the hotel or from the hotel to the airport.

How do I arrange accommodation in Atlanta?

Conference attendees are responsible for booking their own accommodation. When you registered, a copy of the order confirmation was emailed to you which includes a Make Reservation link for Emory Conference Center Hotel.

What is there a dress code for the Atlanta conference?

There is no set dress code for the conference, you are welcome to dress as you please, the event will be informal and we recommend that you dress in layers for your comfort.

I have a question about dietary requirements or my accommodation preferences.

Contemplative Outreach is not able to facilitate dietary or specific accommodation preferences, please address these and any other hotel-related questions to the Emory Conference Center Hotel.

I have forgotten a sundry item or need help with a boarding pass.

We know that the hotel has a small shop where forgotten or needed items may be available. If you need support with accessing wifi, connecting to a printer, confirming or changing flight details please ask the hotel staff if they can help you.