How to Make a Bequest
When you leave a gift to Contemplative Outreach – of any size – in your will, you are helping ensure the continued message of the contemplative Christian tradition for future generations all around the world.
A bequest is simple … There are several ways to create one:
- You can make a bequest for a specific dollar amount or for a percentage of your estate.
- You can designate your bequest for general use, or you can restrict its use to a specific program.
- You may establish a restricted fund that honors the memory of a family member, or other loved one.
To include Contemplative Outreach in your will, you may wish to consult with your financial advisor, and then ask your attorney to add this statement to your document:
‘I give, devise and bequeath to Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. of New York, New York [insert donation amount, percent of estate, etc. and specify intended project, or purpose for your gift].’
If you have included Contemplative Outreach in your estate plans, we invite you to let us know.
For more information about gifting to Contemplative Outreach for the furtherance of Centering Prayer and the works of Fr. Thomas Keating throughout the world, please contact: Donna Cole-Struck,, 973.838.3384 x 1001