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9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat

July 30, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - August 7, 2024 @ 11:00 am


This retreat offers two tracks simultaneously: Intensive I and Post Intensive. For everyone, there will be 3 sets of two 30-minute periods of Centering Prayer daily. The Intensive I retreat will watch video talks from Fr. Thomas Keating’s Spiritual Journey, focusing on “The Human Condition and the Spiritual Journey”. The Post Intensive retreat has no videos and an additional hour of Centering Prayer each day. You choose the track that works best for you. Any of the tracks may be repeated multiple times. If this is your first Centering Prayer retreat of this length, we suggest you choose Intensive I.

Lectio Divina will be offered daily, as well as optional soul-friending with the staff. Throughout the retreat, we will be in silence.

Pre-requisite: A daily practice of Centering Prayer for 6 months or longer.

The retreat will be facilitated by Marty Badgett and other Contemplative Outreach staff. Marty has served within the Contemplative Outreach network for many years and led numerous Centering Prayer retreats and workshops.

The retreat begins Tuesday, July 30 with registration from 3:00 to 5:00, an opening session at 5:00pm, and dinner at 6:00pm. We end on Wednesday, August 7 at 11:00am (bag lunch optional).

For more information, contact Marty Badgett at (650) 862-5451 or email him at mbadgettexas@gmail.com.

Limited scholarship money is available to assist those who would otherwise be unable to attend. All of the scholarship money has been donated by former retreatants.

If you are traveling by air, the Contemplative Outreach staff can arrange transportation from the Sacramento airport to the Mercy Center. Please book your arrival on the beginning day for 1:30pm or earlier and your departure on the ending day for 1:30pm or later. Let us know your flight information. A $25/one way, $50 round trip cash or Venmo contribution is appreciated.

Single rooms with a sink in the room, shared bathrooms.


July 30, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
August 7, 2024 @ 11:00 am
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Susan Turpin1


Mercy Center Auburn
535 Sacramento Street
Auburn, CA 95603 United States
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