A Three-Day Centering Prayer Retreat: The Hospitality of Welcome
October 11 @ 10:00 am - October 13 @ 12:00 pm
$320Drawing on the idea of hospitality we will consider the twin aspects of Centering Prayer and Welcoming Prayer as ways we may welcome God, self, and others more deeply into our lives. As we release thinking and afflictive thoughts, we create space within to be more welcoming. Using the Mary and Martha story (Luke 10:38-41) we will consider how Mary’s desire to sit at the feet of Jesus links to Centering Prayer and how Martha’s approach to inviting Jesus into her home and preparing a meal links to the Welcoming Prayer.
There will be time for silence, lectio divina, videos with short discussion, opportunities to add thoughts and found objects to a community art table, and contemplative and Taize music. Participants may also be actively involved in creating the retreat by volunteering for readings and/or assisting in preparing simple meals.