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The Healing Path: A Memoir and an Invitation – via Zoom

October 7, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 1:30 pm

A Zoom Event with James Finley, Ph.D.

Student of Thomas Merton, contemplative practitioner and Clinical Psychologist

Dates: October 7, 2023, 10:00am – 1:30pm PST

Location: Zoom and option to gather in Victoria, BC

Join us as Jim Finley guides us through an exploration of his latest book The Healing Path: A Memoir and an Invitation. Hosted by Heather Ruce and Carol Hekman, our time together will include a talk from Jim on the book’s themes, question and response, and contemplative practice.

The Healing Path: A Memoir and an Invitation: The book explores the spirituality of healing, the fruit of the author’s lifetime in conducting spiritual direction and psychotherapy, drawing on his lessons from Thomas Merton and study of the mystical path. It is primarily written as a memoir of his recovery from the traumatic wounds of his early life (abusive father, abuse by his confessor in the monastery, a dysfunctional marriage, and his road to healing and wholeness). But it is not just about his story–it is an invitation to the reader to reflect and resonate with the lessons that apply to their own stories.

Registration: Pay from the Heart – $10 – $50 (Please be generous!)

In-Person Option: For those living in Greater Victoria, BC, Canada, registrants have the option to gather in-person with others at the University of Victoria Multifaith Centre (doors open 9:30am), where we will view the Zoom stream and be in contemplative community.

The event will be recorded and made available for a limited time after the event to all who have registered.

Schedule for the Day (in PST):
10:00 Session 1
11:30 Break
11:50 Session 2
1:30 Close

James Finley, Ph.D, is a contemplative practitioner, student of Thomas Merton and clinical psychologist. Drawing from his experience as a former monk and spiritual directee of Thomas Merton, Jim offers trustworthy guidance for the spiritual journey – teaching how connecting to our Divine indwelling can transcend fear and shame and awaken to our True Self. He is the author of Merton’s Palace of Nowhere and The Contemplative Heart, and most recently, The Healing Path: A Memoir and Invitation. He is the host of the Centre of Action and Contemplation (CAC) celebrated podcast Turning to the Mystics.


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