Calendar of Events
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1 event,
Contemplative Living II: Daily Life as Prayer – via Zoom
Your life is hidden with Christ in God. - Colossians 3:3 Further enrich your contemplative life and embrace the practice of living each day as a form of prayer. In Contemplative Living I (CL I) the focus is on deepening your interior prayer life, leading to the awareness of God’s presence in all that is.
2 events,
Epiphany Half Day Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaiʻi (1st Saturday of every month)
Epiphany Half Day Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaiʻi (1st Saturday of every month)
Online Half Day Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaiʻi (1st Saturday of every month) FREE First Saturdays online retreats are a special time where we explore our Centering Prayer practice. We are looking forward to sharing Physio-Divina (Moving) practices, Visio-Divina (visual-Art) practices. Lectio-Divina (Sacred Text) practices in addition to the Centering Prayer and Welcoming Prayer
2 events,
Heartfulness: Transformation in Christ – via Zoom
Heartfulness: Transformation in Christ – via Zoom
Heartfulness is the sixth in a series of eight courses in the Spiritual Journey Series. In this series Fr. Thomas guides the listener toward an understanding of the contemplative dimension of the Gospel and its extraordinary implications and applications for personal freedom and global peace. Fr. Thomas calls this the journey of heartfulness, and says
4 events,
Writing Into the New Year: A Contemplative Writing Retreat
Stories give shape to the human experience and touch us in our innermost places. They pick us up right where we are and leave us somewhere else – changed, transformed, more awake, alive and aware. - Sara Mackenzie, author Life provides us with countless stories -- of love, loss, grief, and courage; stories of unexpected
Eight Day Centering Prayer Retreat
Each January, St. Mary’s Sewanee begins the New Year by hosting eight days of sacred silence in a Centering Prayer Retreat. Guests are invited to participate as either “intensive” (first time attending in a long retreat) or “post-intensive” (experienced in attending long retreats). Guests can participate in daily sits, Holy Eucharist services, Meditation in Motion
Centering Prayer 5-Day Renewal Retreat
Centering Prayer 5-Day Retreat This in-person 5-day Centering Prayer Retreat is offered by The Church of Conscious Harmony at the beautiful Cedarbrake Renewal Center in Belton, Texas. The schedule will be quite spacious, with extended free time in silence and solitude. Retreat includes vegetarian meals and private room lodging. The retreat begins with check-in between
5 events,
New Year Silent Saturday
New Year Silent Saturday
Begin the new year by deepening our relationship with God. Join us for a quiet morning of Centering Prayer and silence. The day provides time for communal Centering Prayer, a contemplative walk, and private journaling and reflection, and ends with a period of Lectio Divina. All are welcome. A brief introduction to Centering Prayer will
3 events,
A Time of Peace and Refreshment – via Zoom
A Time of Peace and Refreshment – via Zoom
If you need a retreat but can't get away, join us for this free Centering Prayer online mini-retreat with periods of silent prayer, contemplative breaks and lectio divina. This event is free, but a donation of any amount to Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. is greatly appreciated if you are able. You may donate here if you
Morning of Prayer Honolulu, Hawaii 3rd Saturdays every Month
Morning of Prayer Honolulu, Hawaii 3rd Saturdays every Month
2024 Morning of Prayer Third Saturdays In Person 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. Hawai’i time (UTC -10) Central Union Church • Women’s Building 1660 S. Beretania St. Honolulu, Hawaiʻi Let us join together to pause in the presence of the Divine in the sacred silence. An introduction to the method of Centering Prayer is provided. While
3 events,
Retreat in Iceland with Mary Dwyer
Welcoming Forgiveness This retreat will be in silence with extended periods of Centering Prayer (Contemplative Prayer). Information and support will be available for those that do not know Centering Prayer. Mary Dwyer will explore with us the dance between the Welcoming Prayer practice and Forgiveness. Soul friending will be available. The Welcoming Prayer is a
Creating Self-Compassion Through Centering Prayer – via Zoom
Creating Self-Compassion Through Centering Prayer – via Zoom
Presented by Blair Ashby over six Thursday sessions A foundational gift of practicing Centering Prayer is that we also begin caring for our mental and emotional well-being during our prayer sits. Fortunately, this is also one definition of self-compassion. Frequently, we start noticing this gift with a simple thought like, “my days feel better since
3 events,
Chatting with the Divine Weekend Retreat
Sr. Marie Tasto wrote that practicing lectio divina “is an experience of being shaped by the Word of God and coming into fullness as the word God created us to be.” You are invited to participate in this experience while surrounded by the quiet beauty of St. Mary’s Sewanee. Although this is not strictly an
9 events,
Laudato Si’ 10th Anniversary Contemplative Vigil – via Zoom
The Laudato Si’ Movement, together with the World Community of Christian Contemplation, Contemplative Outreach, the Taizé Community, the Office of the Franciscan Minors for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, and the Assisi Center, invite you to participate in a 10-hour contemplative vigil to honor the role of contemplation in caring for our common
Centering Prayer Summit: The Contemplative Heart of Unity: A Retreat into Oneness through Centering Prayer
In a world where division and disconnection often overshadow our shared humanity, the call to unity has never been more urgent. The 4th Annual Online Centering Prayer Summit on January 25-26 offers a sacred space to move beyond personal peace to embrace a shared, universal connection with the Divine and all of creation. Guided by
Quiet Day with Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina – in German language – via Zoom
Quiet Day with Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina – in German language – via Zoom
Centering Prayer Berlin lädt ein: An diesem Tag gönnen wir uns, einmal für ein paar Stunden scheinbar nichts zu machen, wir lassen einfach geschehen. Wir legen die Handys beiseite (falls wir es nicht zum Teilnehmen am Zoom Meeting benötigen), lassen den Alltag hinter uns und verbringen die Zeit weitgehend schweigend miteinander. Wir habe Zeit für
The Body’s Bridge to the Experience of Living in God: Exploring BioSpiritual Focusing in Context of BioSpirituality – in person and online
The Body’s Bridge to the Experience of Living in God: Exploring BioSpiritual Focusing in Context of BioSpirituality – in person and online
Two Jesuits, Fr. Edwin McMahon and Fr. Peter Campbell, incorporated the embodied practice of Focusing into the larger context of BioSpirituality. Their work opens us to know ourselves as living within the greater Whole, the Body of Christ. During this day, we’ll experience BioSpiritual Focusing and explore, among other things, the embodied experience of grace
Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
Contemplative Prayer is God's personal and unique gift to each of us. If we are open to this gift, it will profoundly affect our lives and relationship with God, others, and the world. Centering Prayer is a form of contemplative prayer. It is a method of prayer that opens us to interior transformation and deeper
2 events,
Introduction to Centering Prayer
Sr. Ruth Ann Madera will introduce you and guide you tot the inner silence of Centering Prayer. Centering Prayer is a form Christian contemplative prayer, to center awareness on the presence of God. Please see the link below to register.