All of us have many stories to tell. Some involve your family history, spiritual journey, experiences in Nature, or a life-changing situation. Stories can take many forms, but the most compelling are the ones written from the heart, those that move us and sometimes transform both the writer and reader. Writing from the heart demands
We still have a few spaces available (10/28/2023). This retreat offers three tracks simultaneously: Intensive I, Intensive II and Post Intensive. For everyone, there will be three sets of two 30 minute periods of Centering Prayer daily. Intensive I and Intensive II will watch video talks from Fr. Thomas Keating’s Spiritual Journey. Intensive I focuses
Today the on-going development of scientific understandings of the origins of the universe are deeply shaping spirituality. The Universe, or New Story moves us, among other things, from a fall-redemption spirituality to a creation-centered, evolutionary one; from an adolescent spirituality to an adult one. In this session we will explore the implications of this evolution,
The Enneagram is an ancient holistic system that identifies nine personality types. It helps us learn what our strengths are as well as where we go when under stress. The Enneagram helps us understand and have compassion for ourselves and others. It is a powerful tool for Transformation. This retreat will: ✓ Introduce the Nine
This weekend retreat will focus on how Centering Prayer can heighten one’s understanding and appreciation for the season of Advent. Centering Prayer is a form of Christian silent meditation where one lets go of thoughts during periods of prayer typically lasting 20 minutes. It is rooted in the self-emptying love that forms the heart of
Contemplative Enrichment Day with Mark Kutolowski This day is an opportunity to rediscover simplicity of life as a path to finding fullness and contentment in God. Drawing from his long experience living in an off-grid intentional community, Mark will invite us into an audit of three fundamental areas of human life: our relationships with time
Virtual Silent Saturday with Sr. Carol Ann Spencer The End of All that is not Christ December 9 8:30-2:30pm Eastern Standard Time Contemplative Outreach of Columbus is offering a Silent Saturday. A Silent Saturday provides a few hours that are set aside for Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, spiritual teaching and reflection. "Come rest awhile with
Presented by the Rev. Tim Grayson “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” - St. Augustine Thomas Keating, one of the founders of the modern Centering Prayer movement, popularized the Centering Prayer process as “divine therapy" because it enables the healing of deep psychological
This Praying Holy Scripture retreat offers Centering Prayer periods plus presentations based upon Fr. Thomas Keating’s teachings on the deepening levels of faith: the Four Senses of Scripture – literal, allegorical, behavioral/moral, and unitive senses. The presentations teach a contemplative way of listening to and reading Scripture known as the ancient monastic practice of Lectio
Centering Prayer and meditation are age-old techniques to put us in touch with what Jesus called ruha in Aramaic, the holy breath, a living and animating field that gives birth to psyche, to seed, storm and stellar nebulae. But what if there were an entire terrain of spiritual perception, a fluid and liminal continuum mapped
Metanoia Journey is pleased to offer our first-ever one-day Centering Prayer Retreat. Centering Prayer is a foundational contemplative practice of our community. One's participation in one-day, as well as multi-day Centering Prayer retreats, helps to deepen one's spiritual practice. The day's agenda as follows: Welcome/Greeting Centering Prayer Periods of silence and solitude Lunch (in community
Join a group of centering prayer practitioners to support each other on the contemplative path. Modeled after what was formerly known as the 9-month course, the program will be based on Julie Saad’s book, "Contemplative Life: Discovering Our Path to the Heart of God". All are welcome. We meet the 3rd Saturday of each month
Free Contemplative Prayer Workshop Join to return to the sacred basic tenants of Centering Prayer. "Silence is God's first language. All others are just poor translations." — Thomas Keating We'll explore: • Opening to God and peace within • Silence as the universal language of God • How to practice Centering Prayer meditation • Mystical
Free Contemplative Prayer Workshop Join to return to the sacred basic tenants of Centering Prayer. "Silence is God's first language. All others are just poor translations." — Thomas Keating We'll explore: • Opening to God and peace within • Silence as the universal language of God • How to practice Centering Prayer meditation • Mystical
Free Contemplative Prayer Workshop Join to return to the sacred basic tenants of Centering Prayer. "Silence is God's first language. All others are just poor translations." — Thomas Keating We'll explore • Opening to God and peace within • Silence as the universal language of God • How to practice Centering Prayer meditation • Mystical
Blessed are those who mourn … - Matthew 5:4 Sometimes Christmas doesn’t feel so ‘Merry and Bright’, and you just don’t have the energy to ‘Deck the Halls’. This may be a difficult season for you and you’d rather skip over the month and go straight to the new year. If this resonates with you,
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