Contemplative Enrichment Day with The Rt. Rev. Br. Mark D’Alessio St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi were revolutionary in their time and continue to be! This day will explore how they, alongside 21st century Franciscan visionaries, Richard Rohr and Ilia Delio, invite us into the inter-spiritual sense that — at the most essential level
The 50-Hour Vigil of Prayer will be offered over Zoom from noon on Friday, October 6, through Sunday afternoon, October 8. Margaret Benefiel, Executive Director of Shalem, will open and close the Vigil of Prayer. In between, each hour of this Zoom gathering will be introduced by a member of the Shalem community who has
The Enneagram is a powerful framework for self-discovery and inner awakening. It refers to a sacred symbol with the interlocking geometric shapes of a circle, a triangle and a hexad; and nine points around the circle. Most people first learn about the nine points and the personality typologies connected with each point. There is wisdom
Contemplative prayer is God's personal and unique gift to each of us. If we open to this gift, it will profoundly affect our lives and relationship to God, others, and the world. Centering Prayer is a form of contemplative prayer. It is a method of prayer that opens us to interior transformation and deeper intimacy
This is a hybrid presentation being conducted both in person at The Center for Contemplative Living in Denver, CO and online via Zoom videoconference. Description of Talk: Institutional religion, much like many of our other institutions, is under stress, and that will seem like an understatement to many. Contemplative spirituality has provided a way for
“Your activity in Centering Prayer is like a rose’s petals to the sunlight, like surrender unfolding in you.” - David Frenette Centering Prayer, a Christian form of meditation, is a way to surrender, becoming more receptive to the Holy Spirit’s presence in our life - supporting, inspiring and guiding us. Centering prayer serves as a
This is a four-day silent retreat, presented by the CO Chapter of Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky. The retreat starts at 10:00am Eastern Time, October 12, 2023 and ends at 12:30pm Eastern Time October 15. Dual tracks for the intensive and post-intensive retreats will be offered. Register online at via the Donate link. Please include information
Many of us have grown up in faith groups that have spiritually wounded us with a transactional theology that has made us feel more distant from God and unworthy of receiving God’s love. As we step onto a new path, even as we intellectually embrace a new understanding of God, we still carry the spiritual
Contemplative Enrichment Day of Interfaith Understanding with Rabbi Rami Shapiro Humans are by nature storytellers, and we often become the stories we tell. One of the greatest and most liberating stories we tell is God calling Avram and Sarai to leave the conditioning of country, kin, and family to be a blessing to all the
“Your activity in Centering Prayer is like a rose’s petals to the sunlight, like surrender unfolding in you.” - David Frenette Centering Prayer, a Christian form of meditation, is a way to surrender, becoming more receptive to the Holy Spirit’s presence in our life - supporting, inspiring and guiding us. Centering prayer serves as a
FINDING THE PLACE OF THE HEART "What makes us human is not our mind but our heart; not our ability to think but our ability to love." - Henri Nouwen * * * * * * * * Centering Prayer 6-Day Silent Retreat with Father Bill Sheehan Monday, October 16 - Sunday October 22, 2023
“Your activity in Centering Prayer is like a rose’s petals to the sunlight, like surrender unfolding in you.” - David Frenette Centering Prayer, a Christian form of meditation, is a way to surrender, becoming more receptive to the Holy Spirit’s presence in our life - supporting, inspiring and guiding us. Centering prayer serves as a
The retreat is an opportunity to deepen your practice of Centering Prayer in community, silence, and in solitude with the theme of the Divine Symphony. When we listen to a beautiful symphony we are often swept up in its embrace. God desires to bring us into his divine symphony of love and beckons us to
This silent/contemplative retreat is designed to deepen the practice of Centering Prayer. Come and enter the inner room where "interior silence strengthens and affirms the human experience" (T. Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart). This weekend offers a supportive community which fosters a quiet space where God is known more intimately. There will be regularly scheduled
“Silence is God's first language,' says the sixteenth century mystic John of the Cross. And silence is the normal context in which contemplative prayer takes place. But...there is silence and then there is silence. There is an outer silence, and outer stopping of the words and busy-ness, but there is also a much more challenging
Join a group of Centering Prayer practitioners to support each other on the contemplative path. Modeled after what was formerly known as the 9-month course, the program will be based on Julie Saad’s book, "Contemplative Life: Discovering Our Path to the Heart of God". All are welcome. We meet the 3rd Saturdays of October 2023
The retreat will provide an opportunity to deepen one’s practice of Centering Prayer in an atmosphere of profound silence and community support. All participants observe silence from the opening to the closing of the retreat. The Intensive and Post Intensive tracks share the same schedule of several hours of group Centering Prayer daily, with one
Listening and Responding to God For over 1500 years, Benedictine spirituality, which finds its basis in the monastic Rule of St. Benedict, has assisted seekers from all walks of life in their search for God. Join in reflecting on how prayerful reading of scripture, the practices of hospitality and gratitude, and finding God in daily
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