Centering Prayer
Manifesting God, A Silent Retreat
Sisters of Charity Motherhouse 5900 Delhi Road, CincinnatiThis is a four-day silent retreat, presented by the CO Chapter of Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky. The retreat starts at 10:00am Eastern Time, October 12, 2023 and ends at 12:30pm Eastern
Centering Prayer and the Enneagram: Finding A New Way Home
Mercy Center Burlingame 2300 Adeline Drive, BurlingameMany of us have grown up in faith groups that have spiritually wounded us with a transactional theology that has made us feel more distant from God and unworthy of
The Power of Story: Exploring Hasidic Tales as a Path to Blessing
Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West HartfordContemplative Enrichment Day of Interfaith Understanding with Rabbi Rami Shapiro Humans are by nature storytellers, and we often become the stories we tell. One of the greatest and most liberating
Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
First Fruits, Elm Grove, WI 890 Elm Grove Rd, Building 2, Lower Level, Elm Grove“Your activity in Centering Prayer is like a rose’s petals to the sunlight, like surrender unfolding in you.” - David Frenette Centering Prayer, a Christian form of meditation, is a