contemplative spirituality
Calendar of Events
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1 event,
Contemplative Living II: Daily Life as Prayer – via Zoom
Your life is hidden with Christ in God. - Colossians 3:3 Further enrich your contemplative life and embrace the practice of living each day as a form of prayer. In Contemplative Living I (CL I) the focus is on deepening your interior prayer life, leading to the awareness of God’s presence in all that is.
2 events,
The Way of Love: An Interspiritual Convergence
Each of the Abrahamic traditions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—has at its core a commitment to step onto the Path of Love. When we delve deep into our diverse spiritual practices, it shows us hints of our true identity and glimpses into Unity consciousness. This retreat will explore the Way of Love woven through the mystical heart
3 events,
Black Contemplative Prayer Virtual Summit
Hosted by Pastor Tia Norman, friend of Contemplative Outreach and Centering Prayer Facilitator. On February 22-23, the Black Contemplative Prayer Virtual Summit brings together black spiritual teachers and thought leaders to explore prayer, activism, and community. In the contemplative community, diversity is essential. This summit addresses a critical question that arises in contemplative communities and
Spirituality of the Earth: Thomas Berry’s Wisdom for an Ecological Age – in person and online
Spirituality of the Earth: Thomas Berry’s Wisdom for an Ecological Age – in person and online
Thomas Berry, C.P., arguably the father of “ecological spirituality,” anticipated by decades the contemporary turn toward Earth as the living home of incarnate divinity, exhorting us to awaken to our sacred role within the “New Story” and the “Great Work” in a living community honored and protected as “a communion of subjects, not a collection