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To stay positive – I imagine that is hard when dealing with serious health issues. You will be in my prayers, Alita.
A friend of mine recently had a doctor visit. A nurse asked her a battery of questions at the beginning of the exam -one of which was, “Have you felt down recently?” My friend said she responded a bit incredulously, ‘Yes, haven’t you?” This time of covid has shaken up my life – and sometimes i have felt sadness, a sense of grief. Yet it has also proven a time to keep vigil – to realize this is a day that the Lord has made; to watch and to listen with a new level of awareness. I have had to deal with the temptation to indulging in “mundane diversions” that numb my sensibilities. I hope that, by virtue of Centering Prayer and lectio divina, i am remaining open enough to receive Love and manifest that Love to those I encounter, mostly via zoom these days.