Reply To: Sunday April 2: Emptying and Listening

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday April 2: Emptying and Listening Reply To: Sunday April 2: Emptying and Listening

Posted by Adeline Behm on April 7, 2023 at 9:30 pm #134307

At our local Oblete Retreat Centre, the C.P group meets Mondays at 7 pm. After our “sit” we have been listening to Father Keating’s: Hope & Redemption part one, very timely for Lent 2023.  For the first time consciously, I am sensing  the presence of Christ’s descent into the deep dark abyss of human suffering, of the human condition, his cry God, why have you abandoned me! He doesn’t cry out to the Father, the one who called him  beloved. In his human condition, he dared to face the total alienation, abandonment from this God. Now I know he broke the barrier of total annilation. My experiences of the dark abyss have been onesof “being saved” of never having to go behind the barrier. But there has been this lingering of “what if”. I am experiencing a wordless sense of being in the Christ of the Resurrection with all  at each “sit” surrounded by all in the group or in all the groups world wide. The price of my/our “what ifs” have been paid in full. Living  my “give-back” years is taking on a new meaning. Jesus lived into the depths of humility/humiliation to rise is the presence of affirmation. My affirmation statement surrendering is my part, while empting is taken care of by the Indwelling Spirit.