Reply To: Sunday April 9: Quantum Resurrection

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday April 9: Quantum Resurrection Reply To: Sunday April 9: Quantum Resurrection

Posted by Susan Kenney on April 11, 2023 at 12:41 pm #134392

This resurrection is not a one time event. It is not only an individual event. As our small planet hurtles through space, joined by countless planets in countless galaxies, we are called to believe in a resurrected life. It is  a life that embraces it all in the grand Mystery. It is a resurrection of each individual that cannot be complete unless it is a resurrection of all. Our faith calls us to believe that how we live, what we do does matter. That our resurrected and renewed energy is important, that all creation is different because of our presence. So let us each rise from the self made tombs of self absorption and emerge into the resurrected life we are called to live. On this Easter Sunday, on every day. In the present place and time and in the timeless mystery of all creation. Joy to you. Joy to all.