Reply To: Sunday May 28: Eternal Whispers of Love

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday May 28: Eternal Whispers of Love Reply To: Sunday May 28: Eternal Whispers of Love

Posted by Adeline Behm on June 3, 2023 at 8:15 pm #135563

The title for WoW “Eternal Whispers of Love” along with the Visio image moved deeply within  me this week, a felt sense  of connected with the SPIRIT within, one breath at a time. In the immigrant church I grew up in, entering the Church we were met this this chorus of whispers of  elderly ladies praying their rosary which for me was like settling in the whispers of the SPIRIT. The image  is another example of the gentle presence of the SPIRIT, as morning dew or gentle misty rain that unleashes the surprising burning Presence of the SPIRIT. This explodes into this moment of courage where I come face to face with “this my only unique response” to the challenge of the ‘now moment’ of clarity ( the red in the Visio), ‘one  breath at a time’. As I finish writing this I settle into the gentle whisper of the SPIRIT, the glue bonding all of us associated with the WoW. I bow in gratitude.