Reply To: Sunday June 4: In the Fierce Embrace

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday June 4: In the Fierce Embrace Reply To: Sunday June 4: In the Fierce Embrace

Posted by linda rhead on June 8, 2023 at 12:13 pm #135659

In Thomas Merton’s wonderful tome “The Wisdom of the Desert” is a timely bit of advice that I have taken to heart as an answer to “Don’t take your opinions as facts – notice opinions arising. Imagine not having that opinion. What does it feel like?” The saying: “Abba Joseph asked Abba Pastor: Tell me how I can become a monk. The elder replied: If you want to have rest here in this life and also in the next, in every conflict with another say ‘Who am I?’”

This reminds me that I am Christ’s beloved, disciple of the King of Humility. My opinion is just that: an opinion. And judge no one: allow others’ opinions to be opinions as well. This is hard work, and worth the effort. <3 linda