Reply To: Sunday June 4: In the Fierce Embrace

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday June 4: In the Fierce Embrace Reply To: Sunday June 4: In the Fierce Embrace

Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on June 9, 2023 at 11:59 am #135701

I just did cp. the practice teaches me that each moment is a world unto itself , and that is where God is . We curate possible narratives, and allow culturally determined narratives to go to the edge of consciousness. Doing lectio and Visio divina every day informs my narratives.

I have to be really careful about how my environment is shaping my beliefs about what is. A big one is to forgive myself and the other. To see perpetrators of evil as God sees them.

I like the example of pope Francis, Teillard, and Merton ….Mary…to see what is as it is. In perspective.