Reply To: Sunday August 20: Transformed through Encounter

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday August 20: Transformed through Encounter Reply To: Sunday August 20: Transformed through Encounter

Posted by Adeline Behm on August 26, 2023 at 4:07 pm #137322

Lectio Divina this week, what some consider as Jesus’ response being rather abrasive, is a source of deep grace for me. Sometimes Jesus has to do that for people like me, whose egoic tap root is quite deep, more deeper than I could ever imagine. My  unconscious hurting of  others behavior needed to be further exposed. The Welcome prayer, now a daily companion, is a great gift from the Indwelling Spirit,  the poking at the scabs of selfishness, indifference, too-me centered. Some times my cry for courage to accept with humility my self-centered attitude and behavior resulting in  wounding others, comes from a depth I had sealed off.