Reply To: September 17: Bending to Love

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions September 17: Bending to Love Reply To: September 17: Bending to Love

Posted by Adeline Behm on September 23, 2023 at 5:39 pm #137889

A combination Visio/Lectio a blend of image and words of Myra Scopel, took me to my childhood, where prairie willows on the edge of a slough and prairie poplars were the only trees dotting our prairie landscape. A prairie breeze among the poplars was a special experience. There would be a slight wave of the leaf, a greeting or a good bye gesture,  when the wind was gentle; a stronger breeze the twigs and the leaves  danced in unison. This produced a chatter among the poplars, they were talking to each other. I am recalling how I stood in silence wrapped up in the chatter my spirit joining in whispers. And so I began my Visio/Lectio. We didn’t rake leaves in my childhood. Nature took care of them. We could see them bunched up here and there where eventually each gave up its life eventually blending into the landscape. Following centering prayer I am left in the arms of the Holy Spirit brushing away layers of  my ego debris, my cheeks full of air releasing; profound sigh, a period to my experience. A lingering recall  follows, as I bow in gratitude.