Reply To: Sunday September 24: Justice in the Kingdom of God

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday September 24: Justice in the Kingdom of God Reply To: Sunday September 24: Justice in the Kingdom of God

Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on September 24, 2023 at 6:53 pm #137903

Like Thomas, the line stood out for me: The first shall be last and the last shall be first.
A little background. I was raised in a traditional. Upper middle class family with parents striving to have Daddy be a success in his company. My older sister was in the junior league and married to a Harvard trained lawyer. Early on , (age 12) I volunteered at a children’s home and made it my lifelong mission to advocate for “my kids”. I wanted to be anything but a society girl.

Now, present: yesterday , my husband and I were at a gathering where one of the members of a connected family began a conversation with four of us about how terrible a man and his wife were who had been invited but hadn’t arrived (yet). When the couple finally came, the husband of the lady who started the criticizing, said to my husband: let’s get out of here so we don’t have to be with them.

ordinarily , I would fume, and later criticize them. But, the prayer rises up that those people who are rich and above everyone else will be brought low so they will be open to God’ loving care. That they will know firsthand the blessing of being poor in spirit.

Today: resentment gone; care and concern replaces it.