Reply To: Sunday September 24: Justice in the Kingdom of God

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday September 24: Justice in the Kingdom of God Reply To: Sunday September 24: Justice in the Kingdom of God

Posted by Adeline Behm on September 29, 2023 at 9:31 pm #138039

As I do sometimes, on a small piece of paper I printed : My intent is to be a compassionate listening presence, and I place it where I might see it during this week. Firstly I notice, just the desire of my intent may automatically intercept one aspect of my egoic plan for happiness. I could be aware of the depth of blessings such as delight, gratitude, serenity, affirmation; a profound experience of this is your will, O God, your plan, my little mite of contribution pales with the immensity of God’s desire (me trusting the burning bush, kind of experience). I take the time to savor. Then there have been times of catching my ego in action. The Welcome prayer bringing further light on such as ” how I can insist (spoke, unspoken) on  doing things my way”. I slowly  let my bottled-up breath slowly release into ” embracing  this moment as it is, as I allow the words of Jeremiah 29 to settle beyond that place within where my ego can do a filibuster. I savor those moments of serenity this week.