Reply To: Sunday September 24: Justice in the Kingdom of God

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday September 24: Justice in the Kingdom of God Reply To: Sunday September 24: Justice in the Kingdom of God

Posted by Adeline Behm on September 30, 2023 at 4:59 pm #138050

September 30 in Canada is Truth and Reconciliation Day. The theme  of this WoW “Justice in the Kingdom of God” draws our Canadian hearts to  hear into  the depths of our beings Barbara Holmes words: “Our ways divide and stagnate ( up to seven generations of , the word GENOCIDE, facing the truth is takes courage and humility.) God’s ways and evolve us.” Today we hear the invitation and let our hearts be stretched: “… actually, “walking a different way, by a path marked by connection, attraction, reconciliation, restoration and mercy.” We are on the walk of healing in a yet awkward together. Showing up is the first step. With each step,  breathing in I am willing. With each exhalation, yes, I am willing. Lately I have had a new experience of being stretched, when I endured the painful contortions of  having my knees/hips x-rayed. I have to trust that there is elasticity in my stony heart on the way to claiming my human heart. I have to trust the same is true for each Indigenous/settler heart walking together.