Reply To: Sunday February 4: The Inner Observer

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday February 4: The Inner Observer Reply To: Sunday February 4: The Inner Observer

Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on February 4, 2024 at 2:09 pm #141804

I am listening to a book on tape about conversations between God and figures in the old testament. What i learned is that we cant know who we are … who we are to become.

Jacob tried to define who he was by fooling his father to give him the blessing that belonged to Easau. So jacob pretended to be who he was not-a spectacular false self. When jaacob wrestlrd with the angel at Jabok , he came away limping , and gifted with a new name-i think Isreal. The way God brought about this crisis for jacob suggests the our God is the ultimate trickster. Only when Jacob reconciles with Esau after his interaction with the angel, is jacob free ti be himself.