Reply To: Sunday February 25: Transfiguration Always and Everywhere

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday February 25: Transfiguration Always and Everywhere Reply To: Sunday February 25: Transfiguration Always and Everywhere

Posted by Adeline Behm on March 1, 2024 at 10:15 pm #142515

An awareness check this week of significant mountain top experiences some of the most profound have been the one on Mount Tabor. Yes one was experienced physically at this place; many others reconnected me at times of darkness, of lostness, distractedness, great awareness. What lingers, is the sense of beloved-ness when I wasn’t even aware of this; that of incarnational  beloved-ness; that “God is working in the lives”, those others, co-partners in the same endeavor. This week I spend more C.P. time wrapped up in the dazzling moment itself. Only I didn’t know it at the time. I have been profoundly touched, consenting to the presence and action of (******!!!!*****   ). I sense this burst of a little flame from each of my fingers; each one,  a name of someone in my life .