Reply To: Sunday May 19 – The Fire Parted

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday May 19 – The Fire Parted Reply To: Sunday May 19 – The Fire Parted

Posted by Adeline Behm on May 24, 2024 at 9:23 pm #144904

When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled,
they were all in one place together.
And suddenly there came from the sky….

This week gazing into the image provided, a glimmer of, a glimpse into the real Pentecost,  “fulfilled”>>>”together in one place” >>>”suddenly”>>> “came”>>> from the sky>>>>. I get the impression the real Pentecost ( the deep orange color) takes a life time to unfold.  (the globe) pulsating fuels all the events, happenings, the sacred evacuations to my last breath. So much consenting, so much welcoming in measured release! So much consenting, so much welcoming as the embrace deepens. The we/us becomes increasingly  alive.