Reply To: Sunday July 21: Compassion: A Bridge Between Self and Other

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday July 21: Compassion: A Bridge Between Self and Other Reply To: Sunday July 21: Compassion: A Bridge Between Self and Other

Posted by Adeline Behm on July 25, 2024 at 5:34 pm #146265

“Compassion is the bridge between self and other, a path that leads to the heart of God”.  I got to this week’s WoW later than usual because of a power outage followed by three days getting all my devices functioning. Interesting how the timing of the Holy Spirit is spot on. in the week preceding  I had fallen into the tormentor  clutches of  insufficiency. A new or unfamiliar consciousness is opening,  that of seeing myself as being seen by me. Most unusual! A childhood theme of waiting surfaced. Much welcome prayer-ing is pealing back layers of insufficiency  that haunted my childhood. This morning I surprised myself , seeing another significant person in a new way on the same path as I am but in a different way. Together we are giving a face to compassion that bridges….