Reply To: Sunday August 11: Daily Life as Practice

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday August 11: Daily Life as Practice Reply To: Sunday August 11: Daily Life as Practice

Posted by Susan Kenney on August 11, 2024 at 10:41 am #146788

“Holiness hidden in the most trivial and mundane of events.” Every Tuesday, a small group gathers to share a meditative movement practice. It is not unusual that someone will wander in to the room and join the group. The guest is always given a silent welcome. Two weeks ago a woman joined the practice and then shared her story of living in an abusive relationship and feeling alone and hungry. One person gave her the phone numbers of helpful organizations. Someone else gave her two bus passes. And the seven year old in the room gave the woman her package of Graham  crackers.  No one  assumed that the woman’s life would be changed in some dramatic way, but everyone (especially the youngster) in the room was changed in some small way.