Reply To: Sunday September 22: Receive the Child

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday September 22: Receive the Child Reply To: Sunday September 22: Receive the Child

Posted by Adeline Behm on September 27, 2024 at 5:01 pm #147868

The image presented this WEEK was a challenge for me, a somewhat anoying  one. until I consented to see as that child saw this child presented in this image. Then moments ago I attended a virtual Mass presided by a very elderly priest, who is rarely our celebrant now. I saw him as he was/is. These tweo bookends of life speak deeply into my life, with my new consenting presence. Then these words from Richard Rohr today enveloped me in a knowing, a precious kind of knowing:

“It’s taken me much of my life to begin to get to the second gaze. By nature, I have a critical mind and a demanding heart, and I am impatient. These are both my gifts and my curses. Yet I can’t have one without the other, it seems. I can’t risk losing touch with either my angels or my demons. They are both good teachers. A life of solitude and silence allows them both, and invariably leads me to the second gaze. The gaze of compassion, looking out at life from the place of Divine Intimacy is really all I have, and all I have to give, even though I don’t always do it.”

The gospel today from Luke was Jesus’ asking “Who you say I am” that was part of our WoW reflection a few Sundays ago, like an echo from our Wenesday C.P./Visio/Lectio Divina/Sharing, Again another profound experience. In addition I am truly grateful to those two teachers Richard is referring to, who are my great teachers. In order to engage I must also consent to descending into despair; but oh the delight of the ‘rising from’, and to engage in the messy situation where I find myself these days with great compassion for each one plodding through the messiness with total confidence in my evacuation SPIRIT.

  • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Adeline Behm.