Sunday April 2: Emptying and Listening

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  • Sunday April 2: Emptying and Listening
    • Posted by pbegeman on March 31, 2023 at 4:37 pm #134218

      To Practice: Reflect again on Simone Weil’s words, “Above all our thought should be empty, waiting, not seeking anything, but ready to receive, in its naked truth, the object that is to penetrate it.” From this one might compose an active prayer sentence such as “Not seeking anything, ready to receive.” Use this or create your own active prayer sentence from any passage in today’s reflection and pray it regularly this week. This practice helps us to empty and listen in a new and deeper way.

      You may wish to re-read this week’s reflection here:



    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on April 2, 2023 at 12:15 pm #134230

      Not trying, allowing.

    • Posted by Cathy on April 2, 2023 at 6:51 pm #134231

      Self emptying, letting go, leads to the great transformation.

    • Posted by linda rhead on April 2, 2023 at 8:43 pm #134233

      Sunday April 2: Emptying and Listening

      I am drawn to Beverly Lanzetta’s sentence “Self-emptying is not an absolute state but the practice of letting go.” From this my active prayer sentence this coming week will be “empty self; let go.” <3 linda

    • Posted by Susan Kenney on April 3, 2023 at 10:16 pm #134244

      May I let go of my self identity and my privilege , at least for a moment, that I might hear the bigger truth spoken by those whose voices society has silenced.

    • Posted by Susan Kenney on April 3, 2023 at 10:26 pm #134247

      Today I am holding in my heart two people who died on this day – one in 2022 and the  other in 2020.  In 2022, a mass shooting in downtown Sacramento killed six people. The location of the shooting was at 10th and K Streets – both a center of nightclub life and of the unhoused who oft3n hid in doorways and alleys. One of the dead was Melinda, known only to service providers and a few friends. Her name became public only when she became a statistic. Betsy was a homeless woman who could neither read nor write. She was abandoned by her family and with the help of Interfaith Shelter was able to qualify for  benefits and rent a studio apartment. Betsy had a deep wisdom and a trust in the goodness of life.  She was one of my best teachers.

    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on April 4, 2023 at 1:51 am #134257

      Susan, those dear ones you remember….somehow , though it is incredibly sad, they are alive for you and blessing you. I believe God can transform so much though the facts and even the feelings are the same.

    • Posted by Brenda Bayne on April 4, 2023 at 8:44 am #134258

      “Christ awakens in our own hearts saying, ‘You are my body. You are my blood.’…”

      Thomas Keating – Journey to the Center.

      Today this stops me in my tracks.  I have read and heard this before, never has it hit me so profoundly; any other words fail – staying with this in obedience – turning in the direction & listening.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Brenda Bayne. Reason: I had incorrectly named the source of TK’s quotation
    • Posted by Susan Kenney on April 4, 2023 at 12:14 pm #134261

      It is so hard for me to let go of the myth of self reliance, particularly as I age. In a meditation chapel, someone said, “We grieve our way into awakening”. I will let this thought simmer today.

    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on April 4, 2023 at 2:08 pm #134264

      what a beautiful prayer time today. Pamela, I loved how you waited before calling on people, to let the previous sharing sink in. It was so full of life – each sharing. And Helen, please accept my sympathy for the loss of your son. My prayers surround you.

    • Posted by MarleneOSB on April 5, 2023 at 9:25 am #134271

      Years ago I had a first glimpse of what this obedience meant but it was a kind of mindless passivity that invited me to simply flow with the breezes of life.  Sounds not so great but it worked. Then at a certain point, when I was facing major surgery and had just discovered Centering Prayer, that mindless passivity evolved into an invitation to mindful receptivity. This has been evolving for 20+ years, very slowly and happily. The sentence “Nos seeking anything, ready to receive” seems to sum it up.

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on April 5, 2023 at 12:32 pm #134272

      On inhale SURRENDERING – on exhale EMPTYING

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on April 7, 2023 at 9:30 pm #134307

      At our local Oblete Retreat Centre, the C.P group meets Mondays at 7 pm. After our “sit” we have been listening to Father Keating’s: Hope & Redemption part one, very timely for Lent 2023.  For the first time consciously, I am sensing  the presence of Christ’s descent into the deep dark abyss of human suffering, of the human condition, his cry God, why have you abandoned me! He doesn’t cry out to the Father, the one who called him  beloved. In his human condition, he dared to face the total alienation, abandonment from this God. Now I know he broke the barrier of total annilation. My experiences of the dark abyss have been onesof “being saved” of never having to go behind the barrier. But there has been this lingering of “what if”. I am experiencing a wordless sense of being in the Christ of the Resurrection with all  at each “sit” surrounded by all in the group or in all the groups world wide. The price of my/our “what ifs” have been paid in full. Living  my “give-back” years is taking on a new meaning. Jesus lived into the depths of humility/humiliation to rise is the presence of affirmation. My affirmation statement surrendering is my part, while empting is taken care of by the Indwelling Spirit.

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on April 8, 2023 at 2:53 pm #134312

      Jesus is brought to the lowest place, that place where the all-loving God seems infinitely distant. He enters a universe of utter solitude, meaninglessness, and fragmentation. Like the prophet Jonah, he is overwhelmed by chaos.
      —Brother John of Taizé

      This is “tomb time”  day for me, where Jesus and I sit side by side in the tomb.

    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on April 8, 2023 at 5:57 pm #134313

      To continue Adeline’s reflection….knowing that Jesus experienced this and it being such a human experience…how can I ever whine again about my feelings of lostness, forsakenness , heartbreak? why not welcome it so I can sit with Him and with my brothers and sisters through time and space, who felt and feel such devastation.

      welcome, welcome, welcome…

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on April 9, 2023 at 4:36 pm #134322

      This evening I was drawn into the Easter Vigil into a new liminal dimension. Spending my day in the tomb continued unconsciously until the second  reading when the Father said to Abraham: “….because you have not withheld your son , your only son….” I was envelopped by a Presence –   the One who went down into the toomb was there beside me in the liminality of the place ‘The Lord will provide’. And so…. Easter 2o23 begins…… with you Kathleen, Cathy, Linda, Susan, Marlene, and each of you  the Word of the Week Community.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Adeline Behm.
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