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Kathleen M. Kelly.
- Sunday April 9: Quantum Resurrection
To Practice: Slowly re-read these passages aloud in the manner of Lectio Divina, hearing and feeling them in your body and senses. Gaze upon the image. What speaks to your heart? What is being called forth?
You may wish to reread the full email reflection here: https://mailchi.mp/coutreach/word-of-the-week-april9easter
Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on April 10, 2023 at 12:13 pm #134332
Happy Easter everyone!
To live eternal life is to live in the now….. … The resurrection happens in the present moment. Ilia Delhione of my daily intentions is to allow myself to be new to myself…The story I have been telling myself, about what happened to me that caused my “blah, blah , blah”… How these other people are so bad because they” blah, blah, blah”.
It is time to live forward a new story , one in which I am not bad, or damaged and no one else is either. After all, when that curtain ripped on Good Friday, a new story began to write itself.
may I be present in this moment for my own emerging story and to the other, so they can let go of their old story and live in this moment , this moment , and this moment into their own resurrection story.
when I woke up this morning , my head ached, I felt exhausted and cranky. Look where cp and lectio divina have brought me? Just for this moment, this day.
min a little while , I am going to visit an Amish woman and her daughters who are having a quilting be….
meanwhile those dishes….
Posted by Susan Kenney on April 11, 2023 at 12:41 pm #134392
This resurrection is not a one time event. It is not only an individual event. As our small planet hurtles through space, joined by countless planets in countless galaxies, we are called to believe in a resurrected life. It is a life that embraces it all in the grand Mystery. It is a resurrection of each individual that cannot be complete unless it is a resurrection of all. Our faith calls us to believe that how we live, what we do does matter. That our resurrected and renewed energy is important, that all creation is different because of our presence. So let us each rise from the self made tombs of self absorption and emerge into the resurrected life we are called to live. On this Easter Sunday, on every day. In the present place and time and in the timeless mystery of all creation. Joy to you. Joy to all.
Posted by linda rhead on April 14, 2023 at 1:41 pm #134435
Sunday April 9: Quantum Resurrection
“…death is the collapse of our ‘particle’ aspect of life into the ‘wave’ dimension of our relatedness…The process of my becoming continues.” When I lose myself for the sake of love, I build relationships now that will continue after the death of my physical body. Building stronger relationships, during centering times and all through my life, is being called forth. Lord, teach me how to give myself away. <3 linda
Posted by Adeline Behm on April 15, 2023 at 5:05 pm #134459
Here we are nearing the end of the Octave of Easter 2023. During the second reading of the Vigil, I sensed a deep awareness of being walked with into some deeper level. This lasted perhaps 3 days – oh, what joy, delight, affirmation. Though I do know in the deepest part of me this Presence continues this walking (called Resurrection 2023); indeed as witnessed, the stone from the tomb has been rolled away. It’s the “log in my eyes, the stone in my heart, removed and rolled away” that sent me into that obscure place, called doubt or fear of judgment; perhaps the place of the unaccepted self that stands in the way, perhaps, my Jonah kind of hiding place. It’s a long walk into the Resurrection. In chronos years its been a long long walk for me begun in 1934, two months old. So, from this obscure hiding place, I am willing, consenting, open, surrendering, trusting – this walk of 40 chronos days 2023; so grateful to be on this walk with all of you.
Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on April 15, 2023 at 10:28 pm #134467
Bless you all for your deep and profound witnesses. I often feel like I won some spiritual lottery being with people like you.
After being on grandparent duty for the last 12 days — “losing myself for the sake of love” — with very irregular windows for Centering Prayer, I am in awe of the inner stillness that accompanied me, even when I was so tired I could hardly function. Perhaps the wave aspect of being took over. I pray this is so. “Go with the Flow” is taking on a whole new meaning for me — an effortless wave of consent. – Pamela
Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on April 19, 2023 at 10:50 am #134516
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