Sunday June 25: The Instant Love Begins

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday June 25: The Instant Love Begins

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  • Sunday June 25: The Instant Love Begins
    • Posted by pbegeman on June 23, 2023 at 11:11 am #136102

      To Practice:

      • Fear has something to say to you if given the chance to speak. Next time you feel afraid, sit down and have a conversation. When you feel fear’s discomfort, pause. Stay paused until you know more. Ask: what are you trying to show me? What else is going on? Give yourself time and delve into fear.
      • You might like to experience this brief Do Not Be Afraid Meditation from The Centre for Action and Contemplation (less than one minute).

      You may wish to reread this week’s reflection here:


    • Posted by Susan Kenney on June 25, 2023 at 9:45 am #136111

      There are six of us in an online group. We have met weekly since the beginning of the pandemic. One of the group is in the fourth month of hospice.   We want to say something, do something to thank her, to celebrate her life. But – when, how?  She is looking thinner, weaker. We know we can’t wait much longer. Yesterday she said she  has a new sense of freedom – from regrets, from worries. Her openness will be our guide. Spirit will lead us.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Susan Kenney. Reason: Misspelling
    • Posted by tcf2_comcast_net on June 25, 2023 at 1:36 pm #136113

      Susan’s post takes me back to a dream I had a few nights ago.   It only last about 15 seconds.  But I – we? June and me? Identities flux in my dreams – we were a bunch of people who were at peace.  It was safe.  Peace.  Sort of happy like a Buddha’s little smile.

      I tried the fear exercise but to do it I had to invoke fear, by imagining the future.  In other words, not staying  in the moment.

    • Posted by tcf2_comcast_net on June 25, 2023 at 1:43 pm #136114

      Let me add about fear.  June’s fear runs our life.  I find joy be going to our comdo outdoor pool alone and swimming laps while I lookup at the sky.

      Last I went, june was in tears when I came back. “You’re the only family I have” she said.  Every one in her own  family is dead. And we ar somewhat alienated – at least geographically, more likely emotionally – from our  kids, who are scattered all over North America.

      So I can’t get a swim without an argument or anxiety

    • Posted by linda rhead on June 25, 2023 at 9:37 pm #136116

      What fear tries to show me is a darkly mirrored reflection – what my inadequacies and insufficiencies would want me to believe. Fear is optional. When I look my murky mirrored fears in her eyes, I see fear of love’s rejection looking back. And what is my worse case scenario of my love being scorned? It is still energy that heals wherever it is accepted – perhaps not with the intended recipient yet accepted by a world needing it. <3 linda

    • Posted by Maria on June 30, 2023 at 3:38 am #136171

      Uncertainty can be very fearful. Hope leads me to trust in the Spirit that leads us. Love sweeps away the fear.

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