Sunday March 24: Emptied and Raised Up

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  • Sunday March 24: Emptied and Raised Up
    • Posted by pbegeman on March 21, 2024 at 6:28 pm #143192

      To Practice

      • We come this week to the very center of the Christian year, and the turning-point of all history. Look back through the turning points of your own life. Perhaps there’s one particular turning point that has been central and pivotal from all the others. Spend time silently soaking up this action of God in your life; embrace both its challenge and its new life as you celebrate the rituals of this week. Does it move you to some expression in art, in movement, in music, in journaling, as you consider your own Paschal journey?
      • In many churches, the liturgy of Good Friday includes the reading of the Passion according to John. Consider spreading out the reading of this unique account of Jesus’ suffering and death over the coming days; read it slowly and deliberately, perhaps out loud.  Pray it in the manner of lectio divina, or see yourself in the various scenes.  What do you hear for your own life, for your own call to dying-and-rising?  You might find it helpful to do this practice immediately after a period of Centering Prayer.

      If you wish, you may re-read the full email reflection here:

    • Posted by Susan Kenney on March 24, 2024 at 10:51 am #143273

      In 2005, I participated in the “Magdalene Journey”, a parish tradition. Our group of six women met weekly from January until Good Friday. Each of us took on the identity of a woman in the Bible and deepened that identity during our time together.  On Good Friday, we six gathered to reflect on our individual experience of Jesus’ suffering and death. I had chosen Veronica, portrayed in the sixth station of the cross.  During Jesus’ walk toward Golgotha, Veronica stepped out of the crowd to  wipe Jesus’ face. Each year I reflect on that bold act and Veronica’s message: that each of us might not be able to single handedly stop the violence of today’s world, but we can comfort the victims of that violence, be it in Ukraine, Gaza  or our own community.

    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on March 24, 2024 at 1:40 pm #143278

      Somehow, i feel i have been transported to another stage of being in the past few days. All of a sudden, i was thrust into a situation where the inner silence i have been culrivating for years came forward at just the right time , for the righr people. I am amazed at what transpired by me keeping my ego out of the way. I’m not really believing that it was i that did that -getting ego to stand down.

      we will see if this is a difference that makes a difference.

      • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Kathleen M. Kelly. Reason: Spelling
    • Posted by linda rhead on March 26, 2024 at 2:46 pm #143422

      An emotional breakdown several decades ago is a pivotal point in my journey. Over time, I have been able to embrace its challenges of recovery and restoration to a new wholeness, truly a new life. The times were dark and uncertain yet filled with much joy and love at the same time. I knew that I knew I was healed, and I still had a lot of work to do to convince those around me of the same. The work was worth it. <3 linda

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on March 30, 2024 at 6:29 pm #143497

      These last years today “Holy Saturday” is a contemplative day. What actually happened between the placing of the body in the tomb and the Resurrection? The Visio-ing the image accompanied a sense of PRESENCE; the depth of  human experience of Jesus of the ABBA to committing himself into the hands of MY GOD to recognizing the one-ness  his divinity and humanity, A NEW CREATION; a profound PRESENCE without words. Waking before dawn into prayer. Falling back to sleep, from the depths of my unconscious, a recognition that the Indwelling Spirit has become the “confidant” that did I not have in my childhood experience of the “pit of impossibility”, which still is being live out in embracing a huge adult transition. And so I sit till the Easter Vigil later.

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