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- This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 8 months ago by
linda rhead.
- Sunday May 21: Christ is All in All
To Practice:
- Reread these passages aloud in the manner of Lectio Divina, feeling and sensing them in your body and inmost being. What do you hear for your journey now?
- Practice the Welcoming Prayer, noticing and sinking into any sensations of resistance, resentment or triggered emotions, and let them go. If you have a history of trauma, a “sandwich” practice is good; welcome the pleasant, welcome the unpleasant, and then welcome the pleasant again. Practice only as long as it brings more ease rather than intensity; many people mistake intensity for healing.
You may wish to re-read the full email reflection here: https://mailchi.mp/coutreach/word-of-the-week-may21
Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on May 23, 2023 at 2:18 pm #135353
Well, coming off the tuesday group, I am so moved.
Ann spoke about her struggle with God allowing such awfull things. Something I read a couple of years ago helped so much:
God is there too, in the desperation.
I do not know why God should strike
But God is what is striken also.
Life if what despairs in death.
And desperate, is life still
Archibald MacLeish in J. B., a play about God and Job
Posted by Adeline Behm on May 25, 2023 at 6:24 pm #135386
“Heart expansion” names so much of my lived experience since Easter Sunday, 2023. Liminal experience is like that; few words, more often a felt sense of a reality so deep, may give simple expression to my experience. I look up and see a watercolor I did some thirty years: mature tree trunks extending down into their roots. Today it honors my participating into Jesus’ ascent by going down, down where truth lives, from my center of humility. Dreams are also a source of liminality; (a practice of some 30 years). These past weeks coming out dreaming I find myself praying the Welcome Prayer, a recognition of the Spirit at work, burning off ruminants of my ego happiness programing buried ever so deep. Words for the work of the Spirit: excavation and evacuation. My awareness “heart expansion”.
Posted by Adeline Behm on May 25, 2023 at 9:25 pm #135392
Posted by linda rhead on May 26, 2023 at 11:43 am #135402
Sunday May 21: Christ is All in All
I hear a call to awareness of “…this unity in love amidst the chaos of the world…”. Much is chaotic in daily living. Centering prayer allows me to descend to my deeper level of interconnectedness and realize I am not the chaos; I, too, am the Christ. This loving connection aids me with facing daily chaos with grace, humor and love. <3 linda
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