How to Connect to the Word of the Week Prayer Chapel
Prayer Chapel: All are welcome to participate in the Word of the Week Prayer Chapel every Tuesday from 8:00-9:00AM and Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 PM — both Central (Chicago) Time. To join, please:
- Open a free personal Zoom video account: You may wish to test your audio and video by opening up Zoom, click on Settings and click on the Audio and Video tabs to ensure your system is working properly.
- If you are using a smartphone, you will need to download the Zoom app.
- About five minutes prior to the time of prayer, you may either click on this link and Zoom should open automatically or you may open Zoom, click-on “join meeting,” enter meeting ID 445 909 4698, passcode COL. Enter silently (that is, with your audio muted). You are invited enter with video; your visible presence builds a sense of intimacy in community.
- We will begin with a welcome and a short prayer, followed by 25 minutes of Centering Prayer.
- Following Centering Prayer will be a time of Lectio Divina with sharing to follow. We will close our time with prayer after one hour.
- If you have questions or technical difficulties, please email Pamela Begeman for assistance.
The Meditation Chapel: If you would like additional opportunities to support your Centering Prayer practice and spiritual journey, there are Centering Prayer groups meeting on this Zoom-enabled platform. All groups are open to all. Read more about the groups on The Meditation Chapel here.