“Advent of the Heart” is an Online Retreat and Practice Circle that explores the Path of Heartfulness in silence, word, and community in the context of the liturgical season of Advent, a time when we await the birth of the resplendent light of Christ in our inmost being, filling our hearts with joy and hope. This program will consist of the following elements:

• 12 emails with readings from scripture and the writings of Thomas Keating and other contemplatives

• video excerpts of Fr. Thomas Keating from the Heartfulness DVD series.

• audio clips from a one-hour teleconference with Fr. Thomas

This retreat has been developed by Contemplative Outreach, a community of individuals and Centering Prayer groups committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life. This retreat will enhance an understanding of the contemplative dimension of the Gospel and its extraordinary implications and applications for personal freedom and global peace. Fr. Keating explains that the inherent human quest for happiness is itself the greatest proof of God’s existence:

“. . . we are called by God, to open to a new reality that is our true Self . . . the image and likeness of God. The path to this true Self and all its fruits and gifts is the challenge of becoming fully human. And to become fully human is to become fully divine. This is the fullness of life itself, a life abiding in the grace and truth of Christ, while at the same time, fully being the unique person you are.”

What a focus for Advent — the season when Christians and other sympatico souls await the coming of the Light! Enhance your experience of this season with this e-course.