Prison Outreach
Prisoner Correspondence
Post-Release Community
Volunteer Support
Volunteers Survey
Getting Started Inside
Prison Survey
Contact Us
The mission of CO’s Prison Outreach Service Team (COPOST) is to accompany and provide resources to those affected by incarceration as they learn and practice Centering Prayer, as well as to support volunteers, both inside and outside locked facilities, who are called to engage in this activity, that together we may share in the process of divine transformation.
COPOST Team arose out of the survey conducted in February and March of 2021 to identify the strengths and opportunities related to Principles 3 and 12 of our Vision: the presence of the Divine in us is the permanent self-giving of God to every human person (3) and we are invited to make available the gift of Centering Prayer to everyone, particularly to the needy and the marginalized (12).
Each of us has been profoundly affected by transformation (our own and others’) “inside the walls”. We have tasted new freedom from our own emotional programs for happiness through this outreach and would be glad to hear from you at
Click here to be added to our mailing list if you would like to receive updates on prison outreach. If you want to receive just 3-4 emails a year to stay informed of our activity, please check only the box that says “friend of prison outreach (not in the thick of things, but desiring to be kept in the loop).”
NEW INITIATIVE: we are in the process of forming a Speakers Bureau. If your chapter or Centering Prayer group would like to know more about what it is like to go inside a prison to introduce Centering Prayer and the profound and transformative effect Centering Prayer has on the incarcerated, please contact us. We are happy to attend your Zoom meeting and tell you about our outreach inside locked facilities. If this piques your interest, send an email to the Team’s email address ( with “Speakers Bureau” in the subject line.
Prison Outreach Service Team
Hampton D. Ray M.
Phil D. Chandra H.
Gary E. Rita W.
Click here to access the YouTube Playlist for all our prison outreach videos, including the presentation from the Prison Outreach Service Team at the 2024 CO Conference and the new documentary Holding Still.
Click here for some ways you could get involved in prison outreach, including without leaving your home.
These Prison Outreach web pages will be updated regularly to reflect the team’s offerings. Please be sure to check out the various pages listed in the menu on the left. Click here for the Volunteer Support Zoom Discussions schedule, click here if you think you might be interested in getting started in this outreach, click here if you have been released from prison, and click here for a growing list of resources.