
God Is Love – The Heart of All Creation DVD package

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SKU: KDVD-370 Category:


God is Love: The Heart of All Creation Series continues and builds on the works of Thomas Keating over the past 30+ years, beginning with the Spiritual Journey series. It offers a vision of hope and a view of reality that at once integrates the sciences, religion and humankind’s place in the cosmos as divine in origin, unifying in purpose, unfolding in its grandeur.

As Fr. Thomas notes in the series:

Everything in the universe – everything our senses observe and technology uncovers at the highest level of infinitude and the deepest levels of the infinitesimal – is prophetic witness of the Divine.
The Divine Presence:
… is happening in, through, and amidst every detail of life … penetrates all that exists
… is in relationship to every part of creation.
… is trying to move humanity to the next stage of consciousness.

Segment 1: Prologue
Segment 2: Cosmology
Segment 3: Human Evolution
Segment 4: Christ, Evolution and Religion
Segment 5: Christ, Evolution and All Creation
Segment 6: Into Unity Consciousness
Segment 7: Playing with God
Segment 8: Silence and Centering Prayer
Segment 9: Surrendering to Love
Segment 10: A Blessing
Bonus 1: Spiritual Not Religious
Bonus 2: A Word About Service

DVD package includes two DVDs and 197-page guidebook with color images.

Includes Spanish and English subtitles.

Additional information

Weight 0.86 lbs
Dimensions 7.75 × 5.5 × 0.675 in