Islam Is… An Experience of Dialogue and Devotion
New and Revised Edition by Sr. Mary Margaret Funk, Afterword Shahid Athar, MD
Islam Is… is the record of Benedictine nun Sr. Mary Margaret Funk’s multiyear engagement in interfaith dialogue with American Muslims in an effort to bridge the gaps that seem to divide Christianity and Islam. In the book she reflects on Islam, a religion that has challenged and transformed her and in which she has found startling similarities to her own deeply held Catholic practice and beliefs.
Sr. Mary Margaret examines the controversial issues of terrorism, women’s rights and economic power, and offers Christians everywhere and Catholics in particular a way of viewing Islam that is honest and authentic. The book concludes with an afterword.
Sr. Mary Margaret Funk is the author of Thoughts Matter (Continuum, 1997) and Tools Matter (Continuum, 1999). She was formerly the Executive Director of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue. She lives at Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Beech Grove, Indiana.