Two video segments are recommended for the 2017 United in Prayer Day on Saturday, March 18: “Silence and Centering Prayer” and “A Blessing,” both from the new God is Love: The Heart of All Creation Series.
As Fr. Thomas notes in the series:
Everything in the universe – everything our senses observe
and technology uncovers at the highest level of infinitude
and the deepest levels of the infinitesimal –
is prophetic witness of the Divine.
The Divine Presence:
… is happening in, through, and amidst every detail of life
… penetrates all that exists
… is in relationship to every part of creation.
… is trying to move humanity to the next stage of consciousness.
Segment 8: Silence and Centering Prayer (21 minutes)
Segment 10: A Blessing (9 minutes)
Click for full series “God Is Love – The Heart of All Creation – Online Video”