by Martina Weber Echzell, Germany Six years ago I read a lot about the Welcoming Prayer and tried to integrate it into my then beginning Centering Prayer practice. It […]
Autism and the Practice of Centering Prayer
Q: I have autism but I’m highly functional. It seems like during Centering Prayer my mind/brain goes almost always to memories of my past. Are there any special recommendations for […]
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Centering Prayer and Mental Health Challenges
Q: A very seminal moment/question for me. I have been in contemplative prayer practice daily for almost 10 years. I understand the “falling away” of the false self with devotion […]
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Centering Prayer and Mental Health
Q: What articles and resources are available about Centering Prayer and mental health? A: We have a number of published Q&A’s that relate to this topic: Centering Prayer and Mental […]
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