Deep gratitude to the over 1400 people from all over the world who shared in The Global Embrace conference at one time or another, and even those who are sharing in it by watching the recordings.
- You can find all recorded sessions here in a YouTube playlist: “The Global Embrace…” Conference YouTube Playlist
- Edited videos sessions (to which more are being added as they are completed) are here in this YouTube Playlist.
- View all of the short video postcards from around the world here. They will lift your spirit!
- Please fill out the conference survey here to help us modify and plan future offerings.
- If you have not yet donated to support the conference and would like to do so, please go here.
- You will find more conference resources below under each section.
Thursday evening
Centering Prayer (Invitation to Silence)
Welcome and Conference Overview
Seven Invitations to Centering Prayer (Maru Ladron de Guevara)
Thomas Keating: four friends share memories (Marie Howard, Pat Johnson, Fr. Carl Arico, Fr. Gilberto Walker)
Small group response via breakout sessions
Friday morning
7:15-7:45 AM
Centering Prayer (Invitation to Solitude)
9:30 – 11:45AM
St. Benedict’s our spiritual home: A message from Abbot Charlie
Transformation: deepening our practice, grace throughout our lives (Julie Saad)
Small group response via breakout sessions
Centering Prayer (Invitation to Solidarity)
click below for session links
Spiritual Journey self-paced course
Watch all conference sessions again on YouTube
Friday Afternoon
2:30 – 5:00PM
Listening to our community: International reality, Zoom doorways, global conversations: what is working; what is needed. (Mary Jane Yates, Kathleen Gilgannon)
Small group response via breakout sessions
Closing Chant (Bylgja Dis Gunnarsdottir)
Centering Prayer (Invitation to Service)
click below for session links
Watch all conference sessions again on YouTube
Saturday morning
7:15-7:45 AM
Centering Prayer (Invitation to Stillness)
Widening our reach by reaching out to younger contemplatives (Colleen Thomas and Keith Kristich). Bringing Centering Prayer to people in prison (Hampton Deck, Lawrence Hamilton, Ket Vichitvongsa and Chandra Hanson). Offering Centering Prayer as an 11th-step (Jenny Adamson and Jim McElroy). Bringing Centering Prayer to Seniors (Shawn Kafader). Small group response via breakout sessions
Centering Prayer (Invitation to Simplicity)
click below for session links
Watch all conference sessions again on YouTube
Saturday afternoon
2:30- 5:00PM
The Move of the Spirit: Practices emerging in the lives of participants of the special gathering at SnowMass in summer 2017 (Rafael Dickson, Justin Lanier, Stuart Higginbotham, Phileena Heuertz)
Small group response via breakout sessions. Feedback from community
Centering Prayer (Invitation to Surrender)
click below for session links
Watch all conference sessions again on YouTube
Saturday evening
Feedback from community. Closing with Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina and Blessings (Lectio Divina Service Team)