Becoming a Presenter of Centering Prayer
Becoming a Presenter of Introductory Lectio Divina Workshop
Becoming a Presenter of Welcoming Prayer
Becoming a Presenter of Centering Prayer as an 11th-Step Practice
Request for Commissioning Recognition
Update Coordinator Information
Facilitator Training for Younger Contemplatives
Centering Prayer
One way to share the fruits of your own prayer life and to support the vision of Contemplative Outreach is to participate in the formation process that leads to becoming a Commissioned Presenter of the Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop.
Frequently Asked Questions On Becoming a Presenter of the Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop
What are the first steps for engaging in this formation process?
- Participation in a Contemplative Outreach sponsored Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop.
- Faithfulness to a daily practice of Centering Prayer for three years.
- Have read and studied Open Mind, Open Heart, Invitation to Love, and Intimacy with God by Thomas Keating and watched the ‘Spiritual Journey’ series.
- Attendance at a 5-10 day Centering Prayer Retreat either before or during the Formation Process.
- Personal recommendation by either a Chapter Coordinator/Contact Person or a Representative from Contemplative Outreach.
Where and with whom will I do my formation?
If you have questions about the above ‘first steps’ or about how to proceed, you may contact a member of the Presenter Formation Team for assistance and guidance.
The formation process for the Introductory Workshop can take place one-on-one, in a local small group, at a Retreat, or remotely.
What if I want to become a presenter and I am not part of a Chapter?
The formation process is best engaged as part of a community. Contemplative Outreach offers a number of possibilities. If you need further assistance, please contact who will be happy to provide further guidance.
How much does the formation to become a presenter cost?
There may be some expense based on materials, retreat accommodations, possible stipends. There may be scholarship assistance available.
What if I am not ready to become a presenter? May I still share the prayer?
Yes, we encourage you to share your own personal experience of the practice of Centering Prayer with other people. Give them a Centering Prayer Brochure, go through the four guidelines, and support them if they would like to start the practice. This can be an effective way of giving others the benefit of Centering Prayer.