An Immature Way to Present the Gospel

The Gift of Life: Death & Dying, Life & Living DVD set offers a vision of hope and a view of reality that counter the cultural norms that view death as a tragedy, or the end of living, or an entry into harsh judgment and retribution. These videos are out-takes from the video series and presented here for your enrichment. A new video will be presented every Monday.

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The subject of a judging God is a delicate point because in Christian history there has been an emphasis on guilt and, in consequence, shame and activities were believed to be fairly cut and dry. Keep the 10 commandments, or else! But there are many other texts in Scripture that greatly modify that attitude, but it’s deeply ensconced in the minds of many Christians of different denominations and, even in my day – the earlier part of it – there were always retreats in which there was a horrendous lecture designed to frighten all the young people to go to confession . . . not a mature or a way of presenting the Gospel . . .  and not a few Christians felt they had to almost give up the faith during their adolescence in order to just be normal, in order to get over these dark fears of hell and punishment.

Una forma inmadura de presentar el Evangelio

El tema de un Dios que juzga es un punto delicado porque en la historia del cristianismo ha habido un énfasis en la culpa y, por lo tanto, se creía que la vergüenza y las acciones estaban bien definidas. ¡Cumpla con los 10 mandamientos, o si no ¡prepárate! Pero hay muchos otros textos de las Escrituras que modifican en gran medida esa actitud, que está profundamente instalada en la mente de muchos cristianos de diferentes denominaciones e incluso en mi día – en la primera parte de ella- siempre había retiros en los que tenían una conferencia terrible diseñada para asustar a todos los jóvenes para que fueran a confesarse…no era una forma madura de presentar el Evangelio…y no pocos cristianos durante su adolescencia sentían que tenían que casi renunciar a la fe con el fin de ser simplemente normales,  para poder superar estos miedos oscuros del infierno y el castigo.