The Gift of Life: Death & Dying, Life & Living DVD set offers a vision of hope and a view of reality that counter the cultural norms that view death as a tragedy, or the end of living, or an entry into harsh judgment and retribution. These videos are out-takes from the video series and presented here for your enrichment. A new video will be presented every Monday.
English Transcript
God’s intention is to make us equal to God in so far as it is possible. And instead of that, Adam and Eve and us are presented with the urgent temptation of trying to become God in the way that we conceive God: namely as the grantor, protector or even servant of our projects for happiness and our over-identification with our particular group. So, humanity has gone its own way of seeking God and it needs to be called back to the journey and to be willing to accept the invitation to become one with God and to relate to him in all the ways that are appropriate.
de Marzo: Convertirse en Dios: el camino de Dios y nuestro camino
La intención de Dios es hacernos iguales a Dios en la medida de lo posible. Y en vez de esto, Adán y Eva y nosotros nos enfrentamos a la insistente tentación de tratar de convertirnos en Dios de la manera que lo concebimos, es decir, como el que nos asegura, nos protege, nos sirve en nuestros proyectos de felicidad y en nuestra desmedida identificación con el grupo al que pertenecemos. Por consiguiente, la humanidad ha seguido su propio camino para buscar a Dios y necesita que la hagan reemprender el viaje y estar dispuesta a aceptar la invitación a volverse uno con Dios y a relacionarse con El de todas las formas correctas.